行政院通過證券交易法第43-1條草案,大量持股申報及公告門檻下調為 5%


現行法下,投資人僅需於持有一公開發行公司已發行股份總額超過百分之十之股份者(證券交易法下之大股東及內部人1 ),才須要向主管機關申報及公告,此次修正主要係考量要與國際立法趨勢一致,並落實證券交易法之立法目的:發展國民經濟及保障投資,確保投資人於投資前獲取最新且正確之決策資訊,並建立及維持安全公平之市場機制。該修法完成後,可使投資人對於公司的股權變動,能掌握更即時、更充分的資訊,有利於投資人與主管機關更掌握公司經營權、股價變化趨勢。

完全公開原則(Principle of Full Disclosure)乃是證券交易法之基本重要原則,證券交易法第43-1條之制定乃係為貫徹此原則,觀其立法目的「美國證券交易法第十三條第四項之規定2 ,任何人單獨或與他人共同取得某一證券超過發行股數百分之五者,應於取得後十日內向證券交易所、發行公司、證管會等提出說明書,說明其資金、取得證券之目的、取得人之背景等資料,用使主管機關及投資人能了解公司股權大量變動之來由及其趨向,亦是「完全公開」原則之發揮。」可見一斑。








2.SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 Section 13(d)(1) Any person who, after acquiring directly or indirectly the beneficial ownership of any equity security of a class which is registered pursuant to section 12 of this title, or any equity security of an insurance company which would have been required to be so registered except for the exemption contained in section 12(g)(2)(G) of this title, or any equity security issued by a closed-end investment company registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 or any equity security issued by a Native Corporation pursuant to section 37(d)(6) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, or otherwise becomes or is deemed to become a beneficial owner of any of the foregoing upon the purchase or sale of a security-based swap that the Commission may define by rule, and is directly or indirectly the beneficial owner of more than 5 per centum of such class shall, within ten days after such acquisition or within such shorter time as the Commission may establish by rule, file with the Commission , a statement containing such of the following information, and such additional information, as the Commission may by rules and regulations, prescribe as necessary or appropriate in the public interest or for the protection of investors—