Attorney Team

Grace Lu, Principal / Managing Attorney

Grace Lu, Principal / Managing Attorney

Grace Lu is the Principal and Managing Attorney for Myriad Attorneys at Law. Her outstanding education, achievements, and work experiences include an LL.M. from Harvard Law School, recognition as one of the 42nd Ten Outstanding Young Persons of the ROC in 2004, and over 20 years of experience as a former prosecutor including service in the Taiwan High Prosecutors Office, with service in the Special Investigations Division of the Supreme Prosecutors Office, and as Head Prosecutor of the Organized Crime and Corruption Division in the Taipei, New Taipei and Taoyuan District Prosecutors Office. She has held a very important position at the first instance, the second instance and the third instance. She specializes in major finance and corruption cases, and she has established long-term cooperative relationships with the US Department of Justice as well as judicial authorities in the UAE, middle eastern countries, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, the Philippines, and Mongolia. She is highly experienced in international legal cases and mutual legal assistance in judicial matters, and has been invited to share her experiences both in Taiwan and abroad.

Attorney Lu has also been the Head of Academic Affairs at the Academy for the Judiciary, responsible for education, training, and international academic exchanges for future judges, prosecutors, and administrative prosecutors. She has lectured at the Academy for the Judiciary, the Taiwan Academy of Banking and Finance, the Training Academy of Investigation Bureau, and the Agency Against Corruption Training Center on topics including "AML Trends and Case Studies in Taiwan and Abroad," "Handling Finance Cases," "Case Analyses on Illegal Securities Transactions," "Investigating Corruption Cases," "Investigation in Practice," and "Criminal Law in Practice."

In addition to traditional civil and criminal litigation, Attorney Lu specializes in various civil, criminal and administrative litigations in the fields of Commercial Finance, Securities Exchange, Company Law, Anti-Money Laundering, Major Corruption, Government Procurement, etc. She has provided various legal consulting services to capital market and financial investment and has acted as the legal consultant for numerous financial industries, construction companies and large listed companies. She has also provided long-term legal consulting services to government department of building standard and public works, and now serves as the advisory committee member of the Complaint Review Board for Government Procurement of Public Construction Commission of Executive Yuan and a member of Petitions and Appeals Committee of the Ministry of the Interior. She also serves as a legal consultant to the Office of Aerotropolis Public Construction of Taoyuan City, Zhongzheng First Precinct of Taipei City Police Department, etc

Educational Background

  • LL.M., Harvard Law School
  • LL.B., National Taiwan University Department of Law Financial Law Division
  • Attorney and Judge Qualification Exam passed in 1995; Cohort 35, Academy for the Judiciary

Work Experience

  • Prosecutor, Taiwan High Prosecutors Office
  • Head of Academic Affairs, Academy for the Judiciary
  • Prosecutor, Special Investigation Division, Taiwan Supreme Prosecutors Office
  • Head Prosecutor, Taipei District Prosecutors Office
  • Head Prosecutor, Financial Crime Division, New Taipei District Prosecutors Office
  • Head Prosecutor, General Welfare Crimes Division and Major Crimes Division, Taoyuan District Prosecutors Office
  • Prosecutor, Organized Crime and Corruption Division, Taipei District Prosecutors Office
  • Prosecutor, Taoyuan District Prosecutors Office

Training and Certifications

  • Harvard Kennedy School Elite Leadership Training Course (2008)
  • Examination Yuan Senior Executive Officer Training (2008)
  • Ministry Of Justice Finance and Banking Advanced Course Certification
  • Tribunal de grand instance de Paris Fellow (2003)

Other Experience

  • Head of Taiwan's prosecutor delegation to the 19th IAP Annual Conference (2014)
  • Regular panelist on "All About Law" on FTV One (2005-2006)
  • The 42nd Ten Outstanding Young Persons of the ROC (2004)

Lecturing Experience

  • Speaker, 8th Conference of IOJT, Manila, 2017
  • Special Lecturer, Taiwan Academy of Banking and Finance
  • Lecturer, Judges' Program,Administrative Prosecutors' Program, and Head Prosecutors' Program, Academy for the Judiciary
  • Lecturer, Investigators' Program Training Academy of Investigation Bureau
  • Lecturer, Anti-Corruption Program and Clean Government Program, Agency Against Corruption Training Center
  • Lecturer, Mongolian Prosecutor General's Office and Prosecutor Training Center

Published Works

  • On Issues and Cases Related to the Sale of Non-Performing Loans by Financial Institutions, Issue 100, New Judicial Voices (Oct. 2011)
  • Cross-Border Criminal Investigation and Evidence Discovery in Practice in the US, Ministry of Justice Research Report (Oct. 2016)
  • An Overview of the Jury System in Massachusetts, United States, New Arguments in Prosecution, Issue 21 (Jan. 2017)
  • “AJMJ Continuous Innovation- Continuing Professional Development Programs and E-learning System”, IOJT, (2017.11)
  • “The Application of Deferred Prosecution: A Taiwan-USA Comparison”, Harvard Law School, (2016.5)


  • Civil and criminal litigation, corporate management dispute resolution, securities exchange law, corporate law, prosecution and defense of white-collar criminal cases, AML planning, financial investment consulting and planning, government contracting.


  • English and Chinese